Shibetsu City Museum
Shibetsu City Museum is a regional museum showcasing the local history, nature, culture, and arts of the area. Its well-lit interior and the incorporation of numerous materials and hands-on displays make for a visitor-friendly exhibition.
We also provide a wide variety of both on- and off-site lectures and actively share information regarding archived materials and the results of research and study activities. We endeavor to be a community-based museum and are working daily towards that goal as a repository for various local materials and information.
Visitor Information
Museum Hours
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (from April to September)
10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (from October to March)
Mondays & Tuesdays
New Year's Holiday (December 29 - January 3)
Winter Collection Organization Period (January - February)
Caution Museum hours and days are subject to change.
Admission is free for children of junior high school age and younger.
Adult (including high school students) 100 yen, Groups (20 or more people) 80 yen
2554 Nishishibetsu-cho, Shibetsu, Hokkaido 095-0056
Travel Information
Outdoor Exhibit Information
History of Shibetsu City Museum
- 1981 - Construction and opening of the museum in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of Shibetsu's settlement.
- 1982 - Relocation of former tondenhei settler residence (tondenhei-oku) to museum grounds.
- 1989 - Opening of public exhibition hall on adjoining land to serve as an art museum.
- 2011 - Partial renovation of permanent collection.
Exhibition Guide
Exhibition Guide(1-22P) (PDFファイル: 8.2MB)
1-About the Shibetsu City Museum (PDFファイル: 203.5KB)
2-The History of Shibetsu (PDFファイル: 396.4KB)
3-Archaeology (PDFファイル: 364.9KB)
4-Pre-settlement History (PDFファイル: 329.5KB)
5-Settlement (PDFファイル: 358.6KB)
6-Agriculture (PDFファイル: 307.4KB)
7-Folk Performing Arts (PDFファイル: 410.8KB)
8-Education (PDFファイル: 301.0KB)
9-Manufacturing (PDFファイル: 356.7KB)
10-Commerce (PDFファイル: 300.8KB)
11-Entertainment (PDFファイル: 358.7KB)
12-Daily Life(353KB)(PDF文書) (PDFファイル: 353.8KB)
13-Transportation (PDFファイル: 324.1KB)
14-Nature in Shibetsu (PDFファイル: 407.7KB)
15-Nature in the Upper Teshio River Basin (PDFファイル: 303.0KB)
16-Nature in the Upper Teshio River Basin (PDFファイル: 293.5KB)
17-Formation of the Land in the Shibetsu Region (PDFファイル: 358.2KB)
18-Nature and Wildlife in the Northern Country (PDFファイル: 351.1KB)
Culture and Arts
19-Culture and Arts in Shibetsu (PDFファイル: 350.1KB)
20-History of Art in Shibetsu (PDFファイル: 339.0KB)
21-Printmaking&Sculpture (PDFファイル: 366.0KB)
22-Famous People with Connections to Shibetsu (PDFファイル: 350.8KB)
教育委員会生涯学習部 博物館
電話番号 0165-22-3320
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